Ok, the homemade Mac 'N Cheese needs 5 more minutes. So. Resolutions. Here they are:
Short Term (Jan-Mar) (we talked about these already)
- Lose 5 lbs
- finish my sweater
- Potty Train Joe (this starts tomorrow, actually)
Long Term for the year:
- Get a better grip on our finances by:
- budgeting in more detail
- listing our real expenses at least once a quarter to see how our spending matches up with the budget
- get that credit card paid off ASAP. We will all eat rice and beans for a month if necessary.
- menu planning faithfully so as to keep our food budget down. There has got to be a way to feed a family of 8 for under $800 a month.
- Oh! Potty training Joe will save on diapers!!
- I will start taking advantage of CVS (our local drugstore) sales/promotions/coupons. They often have decent diaper deals, as well as good coupons for toiletries, and the occasional seasonal items. I have not done drugstore shopping in the last couple years because it's yet another stop, but I think I need to start this.
Each of the children have made goals too, or had goal assigned.
Hannah: Write a book. She's had a whiz-dinger of an idea for a story and is well on her way.
Nathan: Read out loud to someone every day.
Leah: Learn to read (well on her way), learn cursive (working on it) and learn to roller skate. She's our overachiever...
Olivia: Learn her alphabet and numbers up to 25.
Josiah: Potty train, learn to put on clothes and shoes by himself.
Seth: Learn to walk, maybe a few words by next January.
I haven't asked Michael if I can share his goals, so I won't for now. Also, I have some knitting goals (of course!).
I putting myself on a yarn diet. I hereby swear that I will not buy any more yarn until I use up 10 skeins in my stash. I plan to use 6 skeins on my sweater, and I have 1 more skein on a planned project. Hannah will use up 1 skein for a project she is working on, so that leaves 2 more that I need to find a project for. I'll think more about that when my sweater is done.
Well, that's our plan. How about you? Any resolutions?
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