Thursday, June 9, 2016

Crazy Busy!

So, June went off the charts for us.  I'm usually pretty good about being purposeful in our schedule to not over commit, leave time for breathing, and just have blank space.  You know, margin.  I don't know what happened.

I signed 2 kids up for a Lego Engineering class on Tuesday mornings.  They love it. So I decided to sign the big girl up for an excellerated (excelarated? exceller.....) super fast Biology class for the summer.  Thursdays.  Which completely conflicts with Thursday piano lessons. Oops.  After a quick consult with Mrs. B., we got the kinks worked out.

But swim classes start next week - every day for 2 weeks solid. On Tuesdays, I'll have to send the kids to Lego class in their swimming gear so I can pick them up a few minutes early and jet them over to the pool. Plus, with the Thursday piano/biology fiasco, I just can't even.

We also have a homeschool conference, a bridal shower, knitting club and a few other activities, all of which just make my brain twitch. PLUS, next week, we get the half a cow we ordered.  387 pounds of meat - I'm trying not to hyperventilate as I ponder if it will all fit the in the freezer...

But the Lord Jesus was merciful and TWO families invited us to dinner this month.  At their houses. In the same month. Who says miracles don't happen anymore?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Tyna, this is Angela from Calvary Chapel Roseville. I just wanted to touch base and let you know we are praying for you and your family and are so excited to spend some time with you on the mountaintop at our retreat in August. It's coming up quickly, August 12, 13, and 14. We are looking forward to it with great anticipation and hope you are too!

See you soon and God bless,

Angela Kummerle