Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Things here have been topsy-turvy. We decided to regrout our entryway. Michael finally finished getting all the old grout out on Monday, and now there is a lovely, thick layer of dust EVERYWHERE. But now that it's out, I can wipe everything down and be done with it. Now to get the new grout in and the entryway back to normal.

Plus, we decided that we're ready to repaint the main living area, but we can't find a color we love. The walls in the entryway and living room have splotches of at least 8 different colors and it looks horrible! But Michael brought home some more samples last night and they look great on the little cards. I hope to paint some more splotches today to see if this is, at last, the right color...

Plus, we decided also to recarpet the house. We have narrowed the carpet colors down to 2: Evening Reflection (which is a sort of caramel-gold color) and Milk and Cookies (which is slightly greenish). We don't want to order the carpet until we've decided on the paint. See paragraph 2 for that dilemma...

So, in summary, my spring cleaning of the living room went cattywampus. I hope to have everything back together by Easter. please...

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