Monday, December 29, 2008

End of 2008

Well, Christmas is over. There are only 2 and a half more days left in this year. My house now has lots more stuff in it. I think it will feel less stuff-y when the Christmas things come down. I'll probably do that next week.

The new year is going to be just as busy as this one was. I'll still be in charge of nursery at church, plus I've taken on teaching the 2's & 3's Sunday School class. I'm also starting a homeschool networking group in January, along with piano lessons. Throw in the normal day to day stuff alongside homeschool, and hectic is going to be normal.

I also hope to start a more structured 'teaching time' with Nathan in January. At least a half and hour of just he, himself and I doing 'school stuff'. I want to work on letter and number recognition specifically, with a fun thing thrown in to keep him interested.

Well, just thinking out loud, folks. I'm now off to try and get some math done with Hannah. Happy New Year!

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