Friday, April 18, 2008

A few random thoughts...

I've had several things rattling around my head this morning that I can't seem to shake, so I'll post them here for your enjoyment in hopes of freeing my brain.

1. When someone introduces himself as Michael, it is bad manners to say "Hello, Mike." If he wanted to be called Mike, he would have introduced himself that way. Also, when a mommy introduces her son as Nathan, it is bad manners to say "Hello, Nate." People do NOT introduce themselves in hopes that you will find some clever nickname so that you don't have to take that extra .27 of a second to say their correct name. Names are highly personal - don't screw 'em up on purpose!

2. No, we do not have a baby yet. There are small, minor indications of progress (I'll spare you the icky details), but we are not in labor. I really don't expect to see this little girl until next week. Maybe. We are going to try Lori's "Secret Labor Inducing Recipe" tomorrow evening. If it works, I'll go into labor on Sunday. We decided to do it tomorrow 'cuz Nathan (not Nate!) got a cold. It would really stink to have to drop a sick kid(s) off at our friend the B's and expose them. Can you imagine? "We were just trying to do a good deed, and to repay us, they got us all sick!" I would feel so horribly guilty...

3. Michael and I have discussed the baby's name again. Although there is not a definite, it seems that we are leaning toward Elizabeth. Michael likes that there is lots of room for variety with nicknames (if SHE chooses to use one). As her parents, we would shorten it to Beth. And we'd probably introduce her that way too.

4. "The Lord liveth, and blessed be the Rock, and may the God of our salvation be exalted!" I'm feeling lots of warm fuzzies toward our Lord lately as I prepare for our newest miracle. I have a funny little habit of mentally saying "Blessed be the name of the Lord" when something strikes me as wonderful. I should probably say it out loud, but I'm a victim of peer pressure.

5. Nathan asked his Daddy and I last night for a baseboard. ?!?! He said the big boys have one and he wants one too. After mentally reviewing the evening, I realized that he played outside with some neighborhood boys who let him play with their skateboard. Ah ha! Got it. But he's only 3...isn't that a bit young for a baseboard? Maybe for Christmas...


Anonymous said...

I've been waiting to here if anything was happening in baby-dom...I know how you just want the day to get here and how difficult the waiting can be. I like the name Elizabeth, that was my preference with Lauren but Craig wouldn't go for it so at least she has it as a middle name. I hope your labor secret works!

name_withheld said...

I'll be interested to hear if Lori's labor-inducer works for you.
I like the name Elizabeth as well, although there's a possibility that I could be biased. ;-)
See you tomorrow in Sunday School? (maybe, maybe not...)